How to add your profile to participant.json
- Click the stated link, change your browser to desktop for easy access then reload
- Notice the fork button and click. Check for the main button and click as well, this leads to a box that requires a name (fill in)
- Take note of the change that occur (from main the your desired name)
- Return to the main repository to click "Issue", then click "Add profile detail". On that page copy the statement with curly brass {}
- Return to your copy of repository to click "participant.json". After clicking, notice a pen to edit and click as well. scroll to the last person detail to add yours like others (by pasting what you copied earlier to edit)
- Lastly click "compare and pull request" and wait till it load another page where you enter your pull request title and description.
How To Create A Pull Request.
Update your Repo by clicking fetch upstream on your repository.
Create a name for the new branch by clicking the branch box.
Hence click public
Then click docs.
After that notice a pen to edit (giving room for your contribution).
When you're done contributing click "Commit".
Click pull request on your repository to compair and pull request.
Lastly Create pull request.